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DMS Software

Software package for DMS goniophotometers

DMS Software

DMS Software

Software package for DMS goniophotometers

DMS software – Automated system control and comprehensive data analysis

A DMS all-in-one solution comprising of positioning system, accessories, control and analysis tools allows for complete and fully automated characterization of the electro-optical and colorimetric properties of all display types (LCD, OLED, …)  and components – as a function of viewing direction and under varying ambient conditions in terms of illumination and temperature.

The DMS software package is delivered with all DMS instruments from Instrument Systems. The two main modules DMSControl™ and ViPer evaluation enable comprehensive control of the goniometers and all connected components, together with a detailed data evaluation and visualization.

DMSControl™ – For easy control of connected components

  • - Application-specific measurement of spectral, colorimetric and electro-optical parameters
  • Synchronized test sample control via Python interface
  • Creation of automated measurement sequences
  • Data export

ViPer evaluation – for a wide range of analytical, evaluation functions and visualization options

  • Angle- and area-related visualization and analysis
  • Spectral analysis
  • Colorimetric diagrams and analysis
  • Electro-optical characteristics
  • Numerical calculations
  • Data export

Key Features

The user  interface offers control for a wide range of hardware from Instrument Systems, e.g.

• DMS goniometer  
• Light measurement devices: spectrometer, photometer with microscope optic
• Temperature control chamber
• Light sources and illumination devices
• DUT driving with a python script based device control interface
• Integration of external devices such as power sources, video or signal generators

System requirements:

• Quad Core processor (e.g. Intel Pentium i5), 3.3 GHz
• Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (64 Bit)
• At least 4 GB RAM
Intel HD Graphics 4600
DVD-ROM drive
GPIB card
RS232 adapter card

Technical data and specifications

Flicker measurement


SWC series view

Angle-dependent view

SDR view


Examples of applications